Monday, September 30, 2019

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay

Psychology is a vast field that studies the behavior of a person. Because of psychology there is a better understanding of the disorders people may be affected by, the choices people make, and even the sexuality of the human race is understood by psychology. How psychology came to be, is a question that I had asked myself in the past. When researchers chose to directly observe psychological events, such as timed reactions, 130 years ago, psychology emerged into a scientific field of its own. The first psychological lab was created in 1879 by Wilhelm Wandr. Since the field of psychology was originally developed by Caucasian males, many beliefs were biased. As the field of psychology has grown, so has the diversity involved in psychological study; leaving us with more accurate understanding. As I happened to mention earlier, psychology is a vast field. This leaves room for many different perspectives. There are three primary perspectives with several sub-fields of psychology. First there is the biological perspective which includes biopsychology and evolutionary psychology. Second, is the psychological perspective that includes behaviorism, cognitive psychology, the psycho-dynamic approach, and humanism. The third perspective of psychology is the sociocultural perspective. Together, these three perspectives and their sub-fields have helped in advancing knowledge in the field. A long standing debate in the field of psychology is the effect of nature and nurture on a person’s behavioral development. I feel that both are equally important factors in how a person behaves. Some people are born with psychological disorders, but their upbringing helps them live a comfortable life without being controlled by their disorder. Others grow up in a bad environment that brings out the worst of their disorders. There are some people who aren’t born with psychological disorders, but develop some over time due to their upbringing. For example, I was born without any  abnormalities and was completely healthy. Unfortunately I was born into a family of addiction and violence. As a child I was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. As a result of this abuse I suffered from depression and even now as an adult, many of my choices are influenced by the environment I grew in. I do feel that a lot of personal choices are in our own control, though. Another example, though I was raised in the type of family I was raised in, I chose to be better. I chose to break the pattern of addiction and abuse and become a better person. I know other people who grew up in the same situation as me, and they choose to follow the path and they choose to carry a grudge that the world owes them something. I feel there are too many factors involved in behavior for it to be caused by only one perspective. Reference Mitterer, & Coon. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cengage Learning.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Negative Effect Of Nuclear Family Essay

The nuclear family is a term used to define a family group consisting of aheterosexual pair of adults; wife and husband, and their children. It can also be known as a ‘beanpole family’ and it can be, especially in middle-class families, child-centered; child-centered is defined as being actively involved by spending lots of time together as the child’s needs and wishes are the most important thing. Only 17% of families in the UK are nuclear families, and this statistic is on the decrease as it is more so a norm in the 21st century to cohabit (an unmarried couple living together and having a sexual relationship).In 2012 there were 18.2 million families in the UK. Of these, 12.2 million consisted of a married couple with or without children. It is in fact 50% of people in the UK who cohabit and the number of opposite sex cohabiting couple families has increased significantly, from 1.5 million in 1996 to 2.9 million in 2012. However, there are other types of families: extended family, unconventional families; single parent families, homosexual families and reconstituted families; step families. Single parent families and step families usually occur after ‘irretrievable breakdown’ of marriage, resulting in divorce. However, it could be that a martial partner or partner has died or left unexpectedly, and after this a new intimate relationship is formed and the couple is likely to procreate. Other characteristics of a nuclear family are: parents having high-paid or good occupations, living away from other family members; independent or privatised; they keep in contact with family via phone and mainly see family on special occasions, e.g. Christmas, Easter, marriages, funerals, and christenings. Despite this, the husband is actively involved in raising the children; ‘new dad’ and they are influenced by the media to be a ‘good father’ and perhaps their peers who are of t he same age as them. Also, they are likely to be called the ‘new man’, a term used to identify men who believe in equality, do house-work, spend time with family and children and do not use any offensive sexist language. There are five theories by sociologist that either support or resent nuclear families. The theories that resent nuclear families are: Marxist and feminist; the nuclear family is not a perfect family. The theories that support nuclear families are: functionalist, post-modern and new right; the nuclear family is the best type of family. Feminists believe: that the failures or ills of family life are due to men, in the family there is gender inequality as it has been proven that women do 3 times more house work than men, women are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse from males, children are more likely to be abused by men rather than women, 80% of divorce is women divorcing men, males are more likely to have addictions (drugs or alcohol or gambling) and men are more lik ely to have a career rather than have a strong focus on the children or housework. In contradiction to this, about two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men; and this is on the increase. However, men do not report domestic abuse from their partners because they are ashamed or embarrassed. Also in favor of men, it is apparent that all men are different, the research and statistics are a generalisation; perhaps not completely reliable. In addition to this, recently there has been an increase in female dominated families;matriarchy. Catherine Hakim (1996) suggests that feminists under-estimate women’s ability to make rational choices. It is not patriarchy (male domination) or men that are responsible for the position of women in families. She argues that women choose to give more commitment to family and children, and consequently they have less commitment to work than men have. Ann Oakleyargues that gender role socialisation is responsible for sexual division of labor. She also argues that there is still an expectation for women to take on the housewife and mother role. Because of this, it is more difficult for women to pursue careers as men do. Oakley also claims that employers expect women to play the role of housewife rather than pursue a career. This patriarchal ideology is justified by men through claims that women are more suited to caring roles because of their maternal instinct. However, Sue Sharpe said that not all women take on caring roles because of their socialisation. They may react against their socialisation, or pursue a career. Charlie Lewis (1980s) stated that fathers are playing a bigger role; they a more committed. Adrianna Burgess agrees with Charlie Lewis. He is a part of the ‘father institute’, a charity that supports fatherhood. A sociologist who wanted major changes was Charlotte Gilman. Gilman called herself a humanist and believed the domestic environment oppressed women through the patriarchal (male dominate d) beliefs upheld by society. She argued that male aggressiveness and maternal roles for women were artificial and no longer necessary for survival in post-prehistoric times. She wrote, â€Å"There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. Might as well speak of a female liver.† She also argued that women’s contributions to civilization, throughout history, have been stopped because of an androcentric (focus on male) culture. A Marxist view on the nuclear family looks at inequality. Similar to feminism, a Marxist approach to the nuclear family is cynical. A psychiatrist, David Cooper was critical of the nuclear family, and parents; they brought up children incorrectly, leading corruption! His views and research is clearly expressed in ‘The death of a family.’ He has certain beliefs about disciplining children; he believe that parents are obsessed with discipline; ‘control freaks’; children ‘cannot breathe’ and this it is not acceptable; parents should be liberal. He also thinks that this obsession is due to the past where parents were allowed to physically punish their children; violence and hitting. Rd Laing believes that the nuclear family is the cause of a person’s unhappiness; it should take full responsibility for depression or mental illness. It is in fact 50% of adults in Britain are depressedand about eight percent of children and adolescents suffer from depression.More specifically, he states that schizophrenia occurs due to the family. However, it may be un-noticed as mental illness is usually hidden. Edmund Leach; ‘A runaway world’ 1967. He believes that the nuclear family is isolated due to distant relationships with peers, and other family, which is caused by the location in which you live and the occupation you possess. The nuclear family should be outward looking, and it is not, it is inward looking. There should be support from other family members regardless of the situation as, apparently the nuclear family can’t cope with the stresses and strains of modern day society. In contradiction to the beliefs of the above Marxist sociologists: the family, or within primary socialisation play an imperative in teaching their children discipline and self-discipline, which is vital for future employment. It is therefore inevitable! With regards to the believes of Rd Laing, it has been known that when diagnosing mental disorders or illnesses, other factors are present. In addition to this, every individual deals with stress differently, so by assuming that the nuclear family can’t cope with stress isn’t compatible with every family. Divorce is also more likely to occur in the nuclear family, in comparison to the extended family. The functionalist view on the nuclear family is optimistic. They believe that the nuclear family is the norm in modern industrial societies, and it has major functions that contribute to the well-being of society: the family is the primary agent of socialisation; teaching norms and values; the family is central in creating consensus and order. Parsons (1955) argued that families are ‘personality factories’, producing children who have a strong sense of belonging to society. Talcott Parsons believes that the nuclear family provides key functions for society by learning morals, norms and values; primary socialisation, and it provides stability for children. It is described to be universal and functional. Parsons also argued that the family functions to relief the stress of modern day life. It can be known as the ‘warm-bath’ theory, in that the family provides a relaxing environment for the male worker to immerse himself after a hard day. Children or adolescences in nuclear families are unlikely to engage in crime, recr eational drugs, anti-social behavior, and violence. It is only a small minority who engage in this acts; majority have been successful indoctrinated to be a good citizen. Also, Children or adolescences do better in education, exam results, universities, health and career, in a nuclear family. Children in nuclear families are likely to achieve (academically, better health and career), whereas children in single-parent families have lower academic performance, are more susceptible to peer pressure to engage in deviant behavior, have higher dropout rates from high school, and have greater social and psychological problems.However, Kellaghan and this colleagues (1993) conclude that family social status or cultural background don’t determine a child’s achievement at school. They propose that for academic success, it is what parents do in the home, and not children’s family background, that is significant. Similarly, Sam Redding (1999) indicates that in relation to academic outcomes, the potential limitations associated with poor economic circumstances can be overcome by parents who provide stimulating, supportive, and language-rich experiences for their children. The criticisms of the functionalists perspective of the nuclear family is that: there thinking suggests that all members of the nuclear family are underpinned by biology, functionalist’s analysis on the nuclear family tend to be based on the middle-class; they don’t consider other influences such as wealth, social class or ethnicity and the harmonic view from functionalists on family tends to exclude social problems such as increases in divorce rate, child abuse and domestic violence. Ronald Fletcher, ‘shaking the foundation’ (1988) is also in favor of the nuclear family. He argues that people expect more out of marriage and family life than they used to. Couples are no longer prepared to be part of ‘empty-shell marriages’ (marriage without the partners being in love). Therefore divorce is becoming more popular; re-marriage is more successful and procreation is likely. Robert Chester; ‘the rise of the neo-conventional family’ (1985). He believes that the nuclear family has a positive impact on life; 80% of people will live in a nuclear family in sometime in their lives and 80% of people will get married- most people are also likely to become parents. He contends that the neo-conventional family that is characterized by joint conjugal roles and greater sexual equality has replaced it. Chester argues that the statistics only reflect one stage in a person’s life and the ultimately the majority of people will get married, have children and stay in this relationship. New right or traditionalists believe that the nuclear family is the best type of family to live in and that everyone should live in this type of family, on the assumption that, it is on a permanent basis. A relevant example of the New Right approach to the family can be seen in the view that there exists and under-class of criminals, unmarried mothers and idle young men who are responsible for rising crime. It is argued that this under-class is welfare-dependent, and that adolescence girls are deliberately getting pregnant in order to obtain council housing or state benefits. To hinder things further, this under-class is socializing its children into a culture revolving around crime, anti-authority, anti-world and anti-family values. The New right thinkers believe that there has been a significant amount of damage inflicted upon the nuclear family by, for instance, government policies. For example, they claim that government have encouraged mothers to get back to work, but this has resulted in maternal deprivation; lack of love resulting in psychological damage. There have been few taxes or benefits to encourage mothers to stay at home. The New Right argues that commitment to marriage has been weakened by divorce being made easier and single-parent families have been encouraged by welfare policies. It is apparently, more likely for those who are married and have children to stay together, which enables stability for children; children should only be brought up in the marriage by its heterosexual parents, both should be equal. The New right completely looks down upon divorce as in a unconventional family, children do not do as well, in terms of health, education, career etc. The New Right also perceives homosexuality as the symbol of moral decline, ‘unnatural’ and deviant. Many ‘New Right’ thinkers see the 1960s and early 1970s as the beginning of an attack upon the nuclear family; traditional family values. Specifically, the introduction of the contraceptive pill and the legislation of abortion in the 1960s have been associated with the family decline. The sexual freedom women experienced due to these changes apparently lessened their commitment to the family and equal pay and equal opportunities drifted women away from their roles as ‘natural’ mothers. Also, the 1969 Divorce Reform Act was seen as undermining commitment to marriage. Charles Murray (1989). Murray sees the traditional family to be under threat and Murray made this link to the idea of this ‘culture of dependency’. The ‘culture of dependency’ is the idea of people living off benefits rather than working for money. Patricia Morgan’s ‘Farewell to the family’ states that government policy has directly and indirectly contributed to the growth of the mother/child household. While looking to the needs of sole parent families, governments have overlooked or ignored the needs of intact families. Morgan states that the arrival of feminist advisers into governments has radically changed the way government benefits are d istributed. The burden of taxation has increasingly been shifted onto married parents to the benefit of the single and the childless. As a result, lone parents can end up with higher final incomes from any given wage than two-parent families. Also, more mothers are tempted into the workplace, and more children are pushed into day care, in order for traditional families to stay afloat economically. To contradict the beliefs of the New Right are: that the traditional nuclear family is still central to government plans; ‘key ministers have stated that children are best brought up by married natural parents’ andnew rights or legislation for children and women are aimed to strengthen the nuclear family as a whole, rather than weaken it! A post-modernist view on the family is more neutral; all families can face difficulties; any family can be unsuccessful or successful. Post modernists suggest that in the post modern era there is a wide variety of family arrangements people can choose from – nuclear, extended, reconstituted, cohabitation etc. They claim that not one type dominates and that family arrangements are diverse and fluid. Post modernists see such flexibility as a positive thing. Judith Stacey for instance, suggests that a single individual will experience a variety of family structures throughout their life span. Post-modernists argue that the post-modern family life is characterised by diversity, variation and instability. For example, women no longer aspire to romantic love, marriage and children. Cohabitation, single-sex relationships, economic dependence, pre-marital sex and childlessness are now accepted alternative lifestyles. Men’s role(s) are no longer clear, which has, apparently led them to redefining both their sexuality and family commitments. Others disagree with this view; they believe that the basic features of the family have remained identical to the 1950s. Also, the increase in single-parent families and reconstituted families indicate that there is a slow drift away from the nuclear family. Pakulskic and Waters (1996) believe that class can be seen as just one, not very important, division in society along with ethnicity, gender, age, disability, etc. They offer a number of explanations for ‘the death of class’. The development of welfare states and the institutionalization of class conflict have reduced the direct impact of class relationships. Property has increasingly moved from private hands to being owned by organisations and the division of labour has become more complex. Moreover, increasing affluence for the majority has meant that most people are able to choose what they consume and therefore they are able to create their identities. Class background no longer restricts people’s opportunities, confining them to a particular pattern of life and range of experiences. Judith Stacey argues that the greater choice for women gives them the ability to break out of there patriarchal oppression and shape their families to their needs. Therefore, women are the main agents of family change, by changing their role. For example, many reject the traditional house-wife mother role for a career or higher qualifications. Jeffery Weeks; growing acceptance of diversity. Weeks identified that there are shifts in attitudes since the 1950s. The shifts in attitudes are: sexual morality is mostly a matter of personal choice, Church and state have lost the potency to influence morality and there are favourable attitudes to homosexuality and cohabitation. However, despite these changes in attitudes Weeks states that family patterns are not changing; most people want marriage, children are mostly still brought up by couples and many people who divorce get re-married. To contradict this, the New Right and functionalists would disagree and say that the patriarchal nuclear family is the best family as it meets the needs of society. To conclude, I believe that the nuclear family can have a negative impact on its members, which feminist would agree. However, all types of families, e.g. reconstituted family can have a negative impact on its members also. But, the nuclear family is seen to be the traditional family which people have been living in for centuries, so it can therefore be suggested that the changes in society have negatively affected the nuclear family, e.g. equality legislation, and therefore promoted, discreetly, alternative families.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Smart Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Smart Materials - Essay Example Certain materials are responsive to changes in electric field or magnetic field such as Piezoelectric materials or Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys; while others are responsive to changes in temperature, light or even pH value. The scope of this paper is to introduce four such smart materials namely, Piezoelectric materials, Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Halochromic materials and Chromogenic Systems. These smart materials would be discussed in the paper along with their practical usage and limitations. Piezoelectric materials are smart materials that generate voltage when force is applied on such materials. The word ‘Piezo’ is a Latin term that means to press (How it works, 2003). In this manner, such materials are able to change their proportions when force, typically uni-axial compressive force is applied. One is able to identify piezoelectric materials as they produce voltage with the application of force or stress. Another identifying factor is the ability to change shape or become deformed once force is applied. Some examples of Piezoelectric materials are Quartz, Barium Titanate, Lead niobate and potassium sodium tartrate. The initial usage of this device was found during the Second World War as they were used in SONAR devices. Commonly such materials are used in electro-mechanical devices including speakers and microphones. In microphones, Piezoelectric materials detect audible frequencies. They are also used in welding to serve various purposes such as welding inflexible thermoplastics, metal micro-bonding, steam welding sheets, insertion of metal into plastic etc. They are also used in hydrophones to monitor the heart and the circulatory system (Kutz, 2002). While the usage of Piezoelectric materials is quite widespread, they are not without their limitations. ‘The most obvious limitations are associated with non-linearity, hysteresis, creep, depoling, electrical breakdown, Curie temperature’

Friday, September 27, 2019

Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Public Policy - Essay Example Using a given set of models for test against determination of the level of interest amongst the masses and enabling the identification of problems is made possible through the different models that are used in the entire course of agenda setting. Key words: Agenda setting, evaluation, agenda building, models, rule making, bureaucracy. Agenda setting defines the content and subject of material that would be published and promoted in the media. This further includes prioritization and characterization of information which may be displayed and published in a given order. Keeping the public’s view in sight and publishing the material according to the requirements of modern day and problems faced is determined through the agenda setting. Agenda setting also entails the budget allocation, the activities determination, the standard operating procedures that would be adopted along with the clear roles and responsibilities assignment on behalf of the people associated with the media an d the government agencies who administer over the policies. Bringing a uniform working pattern between the agenda setters and other stakeholders makes up for the agenda setting principles. Regardless of the nature of organization or entity, agenda setting is declaration of the purpose of operations, the aims and achievements underpinned against the work undertaken, and providing a level of familiarity to the clients in a direct or indirect manner. Agenda setting may also pertain to a particular organization, or political party’s manifesto determination and sharing with the masses and direct client of the respective entity. Formulating the steps for actions that would be taken in the entire course of project, activity or any other endeavor undertaken privately, collective or on government scale makes up for agenda setting. Political debates, political parties, political movements, other social movements and government actions and projects all are handled through the agenda set up (Peters, 179). A problem becomes the priority and part of agenda once it gains the attention of the media, and also causes uproar in the society. Based on this the governmental pillars and institutions are brought into action for the purpose of eradication of the problem faced by the masses. Or any problem that the government and other decision making units feel can hamper their performance or bring about the economy or people’s discontent with regard to the government’s office bearers and their performance makes up for the direct agenda and resolution seeking problem. Based on the experts opinion and reviewing of the material in newspapers and other media sources, the think tank teams determine the level of severity and action that needs to be undertaken for the purpose of problem solving. With regard to the public problems, agenda are set on basic of multiple steps. These steps include the strategies as well the use of concrete force, tool and application for the purpose of resolving the problems. A team and resources are allocated in first place to determine the overall nature f the problem. This is followed by the assessment and evaluation phase. Which may include the data collection, or strategy determination for the at hand problem. The assessment phase is guided along by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Market Segmentation of Orbitz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Market Segmentation of Orbitz - Essay Example In relation to the study, the company which has been selected is Orbitz, one of the leading travel companies which were formed by an alliance between major airline companies; American, Continental and Delta Airline, Northwest, United Airline and Continental Airline companies in the year 1999. It is a leading travel company enabling customers and passengers to plan and book a broad range of travel products. This essay discusses that the parent company Orbitz worldwide own a series of brands like Orbitz, Cheap Tickets, ebookers, HotelClub and Rates to go, The Away Network and Orbitz for Business. The website was launched in the year 2001 and in the year 2004, the company was acquired by Cendant Co Ltd. The company is headquartered in Chicago and the company is listed on New York Stock Exchange. The paper tells that the IPO of the company occurred in the year 2007 and the investor of the company Travelport is one of the world’s largest networks in the world. Orbit offers travel s ervices like vacation packages, cruise and car rentals and other travel services. This paper illustrates that in the year 2012 the company was labeled as one of the best travel companies to work for by Forbes. Orbitz is one of the few travel companies which offers passengers and customers to reserve and book tickets through various technological modes. The company offers holiday packages and tickets at a relatively low price compared to the other travel companies.... Market segmentation requires several technological and modelling techniques for accurate analysis and performance. Some of the important methods of market segmentation techniques are Automatic Interaction Detector (AID) and Multidimensional Scaling Techniques (MSD) and conjoint analysis. We will now conduct a market segmentation of Orbitzs Travel Company to understand the target customer base and the techniques used for conducting market segmentation. Geographic Segmentation Marketers conduct segmentation as per the geographic criteria like nations, states, cities, regions, countries etc. The company presently offers more than 1.5 million flight options to customers since, Orbitz is a travel company it has not confined to its services to a particular geographical location and the services are available worldwide. Orbitzs travel packages, online reservation of tickets, online hotel booking, and car rental at a lower price comparatively than the other travel companies. The company offe rs the travels services and facilities at a lower price to target countries with high and low purchasing power. Demographic Segmentation The demographic segmentation is the most common and prevalent form of market segmentation. Demographic segmentation would be done based on the gender, age, income, occupation, household size and education. In this case the travels services are offered for individuals, corporate customers, school children, family and married couples. Age: Based of age profile the target customers of Orbitz would be individuals of all ages including infants and toddlers. Income: Although, the travel services are offered at an affordable prices (Orbitz, 2013d) some of the services like the hotel

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

HIV and Pregnancy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HIV and Pregnancy - Research Paper Example Transmission occurs through body fluids like blood, semen, cervical or vaginal discharge and breast milk (Reynolds, 2004). Vertical transmission is thereby possible during pregnancy, labor and breast-feeding period. The gravity of the problem is indicated by the statistics which tell us that 15-20% of infants born to HIV positive women not on retro-viral treatment will be infected during the last trimester of pregnancy and more so in labor. This paper deals with the methods of managing and preventing this incurable disease being transmitted from mother to child during the pregnancy period, during labor and during the infancy period and the role of nurses in this function. The HIV has an affinity for the CD4 cells or the T helper lymphocytes which are the key role players in the body immune response (Reynolds, 2004). HIV later develops into AIDS. The symptoms of the illness are actually symptoms of the opportunistic infections, associated tumors and encephalopathy. Children born to HI V positive women may carry the antibodies for one year. They cannot be considered positive till above one year of age. The Department of Health in UK recommends an HIV test for all pregnant women so nobody can claim lack of awareness of their condition (Hawkins et al, 2005). The ethics of providing treatment for infertility had previously been questioned but now centers are reviewing their policies (Hawkins et al, 2005). Vertical transmission may be facilitated during pregnancy by malnutrition, high viral load in the first trimester, reactivated herpes simplex infection, genital infections and illicit drug use (NAM, 2004). Prevention may be targeted at these focal points to reduce the vertical transmission. Malnutrition may be prevented by ensuring that pregnant women consume sufficient nutritious food, compensating for diarrhea by more potassium-containing foods, nausea by taking small frequent meals and loss of weight by nutritional supplements (Reynolds, 2004). Mouth ulcers and c andidiasis may be corrected similarly. Avoiding infection and providing timely and apt treatment would help in controlling infection. However this becomes a problem if other children are in the family. Regular blood tests like CD cell count and other tests could indicate the immune response status. Exposure to blood-borne infections like herpes simplex and cytomegalus viruses and toxoplasmosis must be noted as they could be activated again when the immunity reduces. Prophylaxis is possible by instituting anti-retroviral therapy when the CD4 count lowers from 250cells/ Prognosis is facilitated by the three-drug HAART therapy of nevirapine, lamivudine and zidovudine (AVERT, 2002). These are avoided in the first 14 weeks as they could produce terratogenesis. Problems like drug resistance and side-effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are expected. Opportunistic infections may be treated but they too produce similar side-effects and thrombocytopenia. Support may be provided t o those who use illicit drugs and wean them away. The women may be given oral zidovudine in the last 26 weeks of pregnancy and intravenous zidovudine (AZT) during labor and oral AZT syrup for the infant for the first six weeks when breastfeeding is avoided (Reynolds, 2004). Bloodless Caesarian Sections could be planned for delivery. Invasive procedures need to be avoided. A difficult labor should not be permitted to happen. The doctors and staff

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

International Business - Essay Example International Business As organisations begin to operate in foreign markets structural and environmental complexity and uncertainty increases. "If the domestic environment can be labelled uncertain, the international business environment is doubly so." (Mascarenhas 1982) International managers must know that international business environment is multidimensional that includes cultural differences, political risks, exchange risks, legal and taxation regulations. According to Mascarenhas the multiple factors a multinational faces due to environmental uncertainty are foreign exchange uncertainty, political uncertainty, and employment problems. However most experts of international business environment believe that it can be classified into four categories: administrative, engineering, entrepreneurial, and regulatory. More recently, Guisinger (2001) has put forward some of the main features of international business environment. They are: culture, legal system, political risk, income profile, tax regimes, exch ange rate, and restrictions. Culture may be described as the values, beliefs and attitudes of a country. These tell apart one country from another. International managers need to be aware of this while they travel, communicate or negotiates with people of other countries. Cultural differences are extremely important. An organization must give top priority to learning the foreign countrys proper cultural practices as well as cultural taboo.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Agency Dream Position for Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agency Dream Position for Advertising - Essay Example The skills necessary for this position include proficient multilingual skills. There is no need for talent but creativity is very essential for this position (Rachel Deahl, 2013). This means that one should be able to craft words and ideas by seeing images, slogans, and products. Social skills are necessary in addition to excellent organization and communication skills. Good administration as networking skills will be necessary if one is to succeed in this job. Self-motivation, flexibility, working under pressure, ability to multi task, resilience to absorb both internal and external criticism is also required. Good researching skills as well as an interest in popular culture and current trends is very necessary (Paul Owiti, 2014). I believe this position will suit me because of my good networking skills as well as my ability to multitask. I am very social, intelligent, sharp and always in tandem with the latest technology. I have good communication skills and I am excellent when it comes to team work. For all the above reasons, I believe I qualify to be a top copywriter. AGCAS Editors. (2013, December 13). Prospects: The UKs Official graduate careers website. Retrieved 2014, from Advertising copywriter: Entry requirements:

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Networking Concepts Essay Example for Free

Networking Concepts Essay Benefit of network Network: Network is very popular common word now. It is a collection of computers, printers, and other electronic devices which is linked by cables or wireless devices; it can make a situation for them to communicate with each other. For the welfare of network individuals are able to share and exchange information (files and programs), access common services (email and applications), and share hardware (printers, servers, image scanners, and fax machines). picture of LAN/MAN/WAN network The Name of Network LAN (Local Area Network: It is a small geographical area (Room, Building or a Campus) of networking MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): If network in a city than it is called MAN. WAN (Wide Area Network): If network spread geographically (Country of across Globe) than it is called WAN. Advantage of network: It offers a wide range of advantages. It help to transferee filesAA one computer to another, centralized printers, centralized information (an intranet web server, for example). For it programs can be run off a server, so updating means updating a single program, not one on each computer (which can be a nightmare if there are a few hundred computers), centralized data backup Disadvantage of network: To drive up network . there are many equipment needed which is much cost. Virtual Private Networking Service: Virtual Private Networking Service is failure for a secure network connection which can be taken on top of a public network, such as the Internet or Education Wireless Integrated Network. For the help of it Internet’s  infrastructure can move secured data to and from the campus network. It play an indispensable role    off-campus students and staff to access the Universitys online resources in the home computer,  through their ISP (Internet Service Providers) like Signet, Star Hub, etc. using dial-up or broadband service. We can also get the facility of Universitys  e-services or computing facilities that are not made available on  the Internet or WWW (World-Wide Web In this case we can do Laboratorys UNIX servers, network printers, file shares, personal web storage folders, etc for the help of network. Picture of Virtual private networ VPN on NTUwireless: There are also some risks in wireless network. So in this case to keep our privacy on NTUwireless, our campus wireless network, we can  use  this VPN service to dial-out of NTUwireless – as like as we normally use VPN on the Internet to access NTU network. To connect wired  network to the campus, VPN connection is not necessary. This service is not turned on for  the wired network. VPN client behind the corporate firewall: Most organizations and universities  have some form of firewall implementations on their  Internet gateway to except for Signet, Star hub or the overseas ISP If there is a firewall in your organization, you  should use SSL VPN to connect. or, If you want to connect NTU with Microsoft VPN, the organization’s Firewall  requires PPTP traffic  via TCP port 1723 ;amp; GRE protocol to  pass through the  Firewall. Network Installations: networking of a communications system through to planning, designing, installing and maintaining the system. (Picture of network installation Connect Systems work is able to provide the best computer network design and specification, meeting both present and ongoing requirements to each client and is closely with each client. We offer a wide number of benefit to all client . These include recommend, supply and install all the necessary hardware and software for your network installations, as well as we offer tuning and support system . To provide a total data and voice transport system including help and advice with the design and fitting of client’s computer rooms a structured wiring can be installed. The necessary thing or installation: Windows Vista/2003/XP * Cyrix Presentation Server ;amp; Access Essentials * Internet, Firewall and VPN connectivity solutions including Cisco PIX, Symantec Enterprise Firewall installation and configuration * E-mail products including Exchange, Lotus Notes and Outlook, Mobile email via Blackberry and Windows mobile devices * Back-up software including Arc serve and Backup Exec * An ti-virus solutions including Trend Micro * Content Checking technology such as Minesweeper and Super Scout * Supply and configuration of server and PC hardware. Operating system of network: Net work operating system: It is an operating system which has components and programs to allow a computer on a network to serve request from other computer in term of data providing access to other resources such as printer and file systems Some steps of simple file and print sharing: Content 1. File Sharing Basics 2. Naming Computers 3. Install File and Print Sharing 4. Disable Simple Sharing 5. Disable Firewalls and Other Software 6. Create User Accounts 7. Sharing the Folder 8. How to Check Which Folders are Shared 9. Mapping a Network Drive 10. How to Remove File Sharing 11. Sharing Printers with Others on Your Network 12. Troubleshooting File and Print Sharing Install file and print sharing: Our task is to go into your Network contractions under the Local Area Connection Properties window, and need check whether S the General tab is included or not. We can use the following items for this connection. Or the Components are checked by this connection section, we can check that File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks can list we have to be aware about that the checkbox is checked. If it is listed, the computer is already configured for file sharing; click Cancel. If it is not listed, then Click Install button. Click on Service. Click Add. What we need for instillation: . Click OK. We might need your Windows install CD and if the computer asks to restart, click yes. We can use the following operating system: We can use the following operating system: 1. JUNOS. Used in routers and switches from Juniper Networks. Cisco JOS (formerly ‘Cisco Internet work Operating System’) is a NOM having a focus on the internetworking capabilities of network device. It is used on Cisco System router and some network switches. 2.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chance within the play Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Chance within the play Romeo and Juliet Essay George Aberto once said above anything else, fate is what brings lovers together. In Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet, fate, chance, and coincidence are all important to the development and eventually the conclusion of this tragedy. Without these three closely related themes the play would not have been able to make it out of the first act. These themes are pivotal to the development of the play and there are many instances where this is very obvious. These themes play a part in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, the invitation of Romeo to the ball, and the death of the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet. For as long as the two families, The Capulets and The Montagues, can remember, they have both been at war with each other and held an ancient grudge (Prologue). The purpose and goal of this feud is never revealed thus it must be assumed through the Prologue that their hatred is solely based on tradition from past generations. This feud is visible within the first line of Act 1 Scene 1 where Sampson, a servant of the Capulet family says that he will not carry coals (1.1.1). He says this in talking to another servant, Gregory, about how he will not be humiliated by a Montague servant. This allows the audience to see the importance of the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, meet and fall in love at the ball in Act 1 Scene 5. This is visible in Romeos dialogue O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! / It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night / Like a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear. (1.5.46-48). It is chance that Romeos true love happens to be part of the family he was brought up to hate. Romeo is aware that Juliet is a Capulet but Juliet is not aware that Romeo is a Montague and even though the feud between the families is existent, fate takes its course and allows enough time for Juliet to fall in love with Romeo. Therefore, once Juliet learns that Romeo is a Montague, she has already fallen in love with Romeo and she cannot turn back now. This is one of the most important examples of fate in the play because if she had known that Romeo was a Montague she would have never pursued a relationship with him and the rest of the play would have never turned out the way it had. Romeo and Juliets relationship begins at the Capulets house during the ball  without Juliet knowing that Romeo is a Montague although the fate involved in getting Romeo to the ball is just as important as Juliet not knowing Romeos last name because if Romeo would not have gone to the ball then he would have never met Juliet and fallen in love with her. It all starts with one of the Capulets servants in the streets of Verona with a list of the different guests which are invited to the ball. This list contains the names Mercutio, Tybalt, and Rosaline among others. The servant which is given the list is not able to read and this is another example of fate because once Benvolio learns that Rosaline is going to be at the ball he decides that him and Romeo will attend. Benvolio wants to Compare her face with some that I shall show / And I will make thee think they swan a crow. Meaning that he will bring Romeo to the ball to show that a comparison of Rosaline with other girls will make a difference and possibly relieve his sadness and love for Rosaline. This is also fate because if Rosaline was not invited, Benvolio didnt create a plan, and if the servant would have been able to read then Romeo would have never been invited and he would have never met Juliet. The meeting of the two lovers is important although the death of the two lovers is probably one of the most important roles fate plays in the play. The first instance where fate makes its mark leading up to the death of the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, is when the Prince banishes Romeo from the city of Verona for the death of Tybalt. The Prince reacts to the situation by saying that for that offence / Immediately we do exile him hence. This gets the ball rolling on the events that will lead to the two lovers death. After Romeo flees on the recommendation of Benovlio, Romeo finds himself hiding out in Friar Laurances Cell and then in Mantua. The next event which fate is involved in is the idea of Juliet faking her death so that she is not required to marry Paris. Friar Laurence devises a plan which he tells Juliet in Scene 1 of Act 4 as they are both talking in the Friars cell. He tells her to: Hold, then; go home, be merry, give consent To marry Paris: Wednesday is to-morrow: To-morrow night look that thou lie alone; Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber: Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off, (4.1. 91-96) These lines explain everything she must do so that she does not have to marry Paris and can be with Romeo instead, although he has forgotten to tell her one thing. That one thing is that the Friar has not told Juliet to tell Romeo that she is going through with this plan, faking her death. Friar Laurence realizes this and sends Friar John to give Romeo, who is hiding in Mantua, the message of his plan. What happens next is a perfect example of chance and coincidence. Right as Friar John is preparing to deliver the message an outbreak of the Plague occurs in the city of Verona and Friar John could not send it,here it is again,- / Nor get a messenger to bring it thee, / So fearful were they of infection (5.2.14-16). Therefore this causes Romeo to not receive the message of the Friars plan but instead he receives news of Juliets death so it then becomes a race to the tomb, in which Juliet was placed, to stop Romeo from seeing Juliet dead. So Friar Laurence Now must I to the monument alone; Within three hours will fair Juliet wake(5.2.25-27) . Fates second last appearance in the play occurs Romeo arrives at the tomb first, before the Friar, and he sees Juliet, his love, dead. If the Friar would have arrived first, Romeo and Juliet would have never killed themselves and they would have been able to live together but that was not the case and it led to the suicide of both lovers. The final appearance of fate occurs after the lovers death and it is the end of the feud between the two families. It was fate for the lovers to die and resolve this feud. Fate, Chance, and Coincidence play an extremely pivotal part of the development of the play as well as the ending and without them the play would have turned out anything like it had and it would have never gotten  out of Act 1. The feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, Romeos invitation to the ball, and the death of the two star-crossed lovers which led to the end of the feud between the two families are all examples of how fate was able to sway the development of the story so it would lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet, For never was a story of more woe /Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Strategies for Policy Formation

Strategies for Policy Formation Loui Rhey C. Irang Problem Identification In order to truly understand the development of the policy, problem should be identified. In the setting of policy analysis, the idea of problem definition has long been introduced as the most critical and demanding task fronting the experts. The ÂÅ ½ first concern of problem definition is acknowledgement that problems do not exist in the workplace. The second concern suggests that definitions of problems in the setting of practice must meet the standards of feasibility and worth for improvement thus policy analysis is explained as identifying and shaping problems worth solving. Agenda setting considers policy change as a way to policymakers changing their inclination based on observation and needs of improvement and policies to be discontinued also are observed from time to time. Political model tend to discuss policy development as the product of changes in the arrangement of main interests. It states that somewhat the implied understanding that policy improvements are the product of the combination between power and ideas and adapting their objective to new circumstances. Learning is part of the policy making process in a way that policy assessment follows implementation and leads to correction and termination. Policy formation The definitive policy that is selected to resolve a certain issue at hand is reliant on two influences. First, the policy must be a legal way of solving the certain issues in the most effective and feasible way probable. Efficient formulation involves investigation and identification of alternative ways to solving issues. Secondly, policies need to be politically feasible so in other words policy should be plausible. Acceptable formulation must come in a political part that involves the approval of policies by genuine decision makers. This is typically accomplished through standard building in a negotiating or bargaining process. Policy formulation therefore is, composed of investigation that recognizes the most acceptable and effective policies and political agreement. Adoption After formulation of policies, it should have to be adopted by significant organisations of government in directive to be put it into effect. Adoption can be influenced by the similar issues that affect what factors move into the earlier point of agenda building. For example, policies that address the improved situations crises often carried on and can often be adopted immediately. Temporarily, influential interest organisations can use their political impact to regulate what policies are to be adopted. The media also plays an important key role in adaption of policy. When journalism and reporting are balanced, it can deliver an opportunity where discussion over numerous cases for policy adoption comes into place. When the media shows a favourable preference, it can improve a policy proposals chance of adoption. And on the other hand, an unfavourable media preference may weaken a policy proposal. Policy Implementation The next step after putting policy adoption into effect is the implementation of the policy. Effective implementation is dependent on three elements: First, policies must be approved by the government and local government officials to the proper assistance within the government administration. Therefore, a policy intended to impose traffic safety by limiting on the quantity of drunk drivers would be first submitted to law enforcement officials for approval then for implementation. If there is no present agency that has the abilities to carry out a certain policy, new agencies must be recognized and operated. The second element vital to efficient implementation of policy is a clear interpretation. Legislative objective must be expounded into operational rules and guidelines. Vagueness in this period can lead to participation by the judiciary that will lead the legislators to explain their conclusions and worth for policy implementation. Judiciary may override the policies’ implementation where legislative commitment cannot be effectively rendered into appropriate operating guidelines and rules The final element required in effective implementation of policy is difficult to accomplish. The commitment of resources under the first element must be combined with coordination of the policy to implement the policy with on-going operations. A new edge or agency must not cause extreme competition or disagreement with current agencies. Policy implementation should be on great deal of direction to avoid further complication when policies are being submitted to the agencies. Policy formulation is frequently the result of cooperation and representative use of politics. Implementation executes a large amount of both decision and confusion in initiatives or agencies that implement policies. Bureaucracy should be competent enough to help in the policy implementation process. Policy Evaluation The last policy process is policy evaluation. Policy evaluation can happen at different times. Organisation Administrators pursuing to develop operations may assess policies as they are in implementation. Policies can be further evaluated to understand their overall effectiveness after policies have been implemented. There are many ways policies may be evaluated but they can be often not evaluated at all. Scientific and formal research consume a lot of time, costly and complicated to design and to implement. Policy evaluation also tends to be contaminated with unfairness unlike more informal evaluations concentrated on stories and feedbacks are more manageable. 2. Workplace As a healthcare professional I might advocate to influence policies with regards to workplace culture. Workplace culture is centred on the shared attitudes and values including belief towards work outlooks within the organisation and business. It is important to give respect to organisation and workforce culture. It is vital to develop a workplace culture that redirects organisation’s own values as the administrator or business owner. It is why in this case hiring the right staff is such an important element in the on-going success of the business. Setting out clear lines of communication is important as you introduce policies to the business or organisation, it is significant to set out a plan for communication ensuring each new policy is presented and introduced to the workforce in the similar way. It’s also significant to take note that communication comes in two ways as both the owner and the management workforce should encourage the staffs to share their input to t he process. Best ideas sometimes come from staff who usually facing customers Government and professional organisation As number of aged people is constantly increasing in the country, it is important for the Government to allocate enough funding to healthcare facilities that will address needs in the Aged care. As a healthcare professional, I will advocate these needs through convincing professional organisation for the Aged, who are recognized by the government, to promote this advocacy to the government. Professional organisations for aged care may have the proficient knowledge of the issue in promoting the idea of government funding as their organisation or group is related to the healthcare promotion trying to rise. They can direct the point right way to the legislators. Community Volunteering in a local community can be tempting to think that national policy creates slight difference to what people do. As a healthcare professional, I would like to advocate to the homicides connecting mental disability. It is safe to the country to be free from discrimination and crime rates. In terms of discrimination, mentally ill individuals should have fair and therapeutic way of treatment. In terms of crime rate, government should implement strict policy in thorough assessment of mentally ill individuals. Further research in diagnosing, assessing and treating should be done. In this case, mentally ill individual will not be released in the mental health services if not properly rehabilitated and treated. Follow-up observation after discharge should be included in the policy. In this case, crime rates relating mental illness will decrease. 3. A. Garbage can model The garbage can model, talking about the uncharted field of organizational chaos which is categorized by problematic preference, technology that is not clear and fluid participation, tried to develop organizational decision theory. The theoretical development of the garbage can model is it disconnects organisational problems, decision makers and solutions from each other, unlike the traditional decision theory. Definite decisions do not entail a methodical process from problem to resolution, but are results of numerous reasonably independent streams of measures within the organization. Political Bargaining model The political bargaining model sees organisations as screaming and alive political arenas that involve a multifaceted variety of entities and interest groups. An organisation is considered as an association of dissimilar interest, it sees the organisation as having conflicting and multiple goals which change as the balance of changes in power. In this system, decisions and outcomes are the product of the bargaining behaviour. Interest groups and individuals come in into bargaining circumstances in a way to affect decision making and goals in the system. Bargaining is continued as long as they believe that they will get benefit from resuming on participating in the process. Individuals not need to settle on values and goals. Bargaining is only they agreed on. B. Structured Decisions Structured Decision Making is an organized method to recognizing and assessing resourceful options and building selections in complex decision circumstances. SDM is planned to bring understanding to decision or judgment makers about how well their goal and objectives may be contented by probable substitute courses of action. It more focuses and helps find ‘win-win’ resolutions across groups, illuminates the complicated interchanges that are present and may exist between different potential sequences of action and aids to communicate how individuals perspective on these various options. Key Ideas includes Structured Decision Making uses laborious methods established in the decision and healthcare sciences. Structured Decision Making is predominantly useful for decisions concerning the combination of technical investigation with value-based discussions. Structured Decision Making has been amended for spot decisions and is accommodating for assisting multiple disciplinary stakeholder involvement and technical planning. Unstructured decisions The unstructured decisions are the unexpected and non-programmed decisions that are happening for the first time for example, dealing with a labour strike in the company. At the other finale of the range are unstructured decisions. Unstructured decision may have the same mechanisms as structured decision components like process, data, and evaluation. There is little agreement on their nature. Unstructured decisions, for instance, each decision maker may use dissimilar processes and data to grasp an assumption. The organization qualified to evaluate the decision may only have a limited number of people because of the nature of the decision. It is therefore concluded that unstructured decisions are prepared through instances in which all components of the organisation’s business environment customer, competitor response expectations, cost of obtaining raw materials and others are not totally assumed. Unstructured decision systems usually focus on the persons who or the group that will mark the decision and judgement. These decision makers are typically trusted with decisions that are unstructured because of their expertise and experience; it is their distinct ability that is of worth. Strategic decisions Chosen substitute that influence significant factors which conclude the achievement of an organizations decision strategy. To compare it, a strategic decision influence the daily implementation of steps required to reach the goals of a strategy. Strategic decisions are those which influence the long term presentation of the business and which are directly related to its purposes and objectives. They are commonly taken at the uppermost levels of management and bring higher levels of risk. The advantage However, effective strategic decisions bring high levels of reward. Operational decisions Operational decisions happen and take place on a day to day basis and are made in perspective or view of the risk to the organisation business. More often these decisions are in nature administrative in a way and can be done and implemented rapidly and tend to bring tiny risk. Talking about an organisation that all employees at different level yield and do operational decisions daily, an instance might be when to arrange and re-order a specific thing of stock and another could be to define number of how many operative staff will be compulsory to complete a certain task. Operational administrative decisions scale may be small, but are however still important selections that individuals have to make to achieve their roles. As other employees are working in an open culture, where there is also discussion of information and communal trust, they sense empowerment to take and do decisions. This sense and feeling of empowerment mean that the organisation paybacks from speed nature of decision or judgement. Open lines of communication inspire coming in and free flow of accurate and reliable information. These things lead to better together, learned decision-making at all levels. Reference Electronic Source: Boundless. â€Å"Policy Formulation.† Boundless Political Science. Boundless, 03 Jul. 2014. Retrieved 18 Nov. 2014 from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Conceptualizing Neurological and Cultural Explanations of Synesthesia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Tangled Wires: Conceptualizing Neurological and Cultural Explanations of Synesthesia Synesthesia - a mixing or combination of senses - is a concept relatively familiar in the Western world. History is littered with descriptions of people tasting words and seeing sounds; the folklore of creative and expressive arts, in particular, filled with stories of famous "synesthetes." Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, German painter Wassily Kandinsky, American artist David Hockney, and Russian composer Alexander Scriabin have all been labeled as such, and books on the topic were published as early as 1890 . Though at that time interest in synesthesia was mainly from those involved in humanities disciplines, it was clear that synesthesia was an unusual form of perception, which opened the door for the phenomenon to be studied by neuroscientists. As these scientists gained the intellectual apparatus (more complex theories of the human nervous system, for example) to approach these issues of perception, synesthesia again became a topic of interest in the 1980's and '90's. Historica l reasons for this are perhaps due to the increased availability and interest in technology during the Cold War and Americans' resulting faith in expertise of science. Also, the discovery of LSD and trend of recreational hallucinogen use in the 1960's and '70's could have influenced this interest, as hallucinogens (particularly LSD) are known to induce synesthesia. Though this historical background may not seem important to a neurobiological paper, I wish to in part use this paper to show links between culture and scientific "objectivity." The controversy surrounding current theories of synesthesia is most certainly culturally informed, and scientists working in this area are as likely to cite philosophers as they are scientific research . This intellectual debate surrounding synesthesia, which is both philosophical and scientific, can also inform our class discussion of the notion that "brain equals behavior." Cytowic, who is one of the foremost writers on the topic of synesthesia posits a complex mÃ… ½lange of scientific and epistemological points to analyze the phenomenon. An explanation of his work is crucial to getting inside the synesthesia debate. Instead of viewing synesthesia as a neurobiological concern, Cytowic explains how multidisciplinary work will provide insight into "consciousness, the nature of reality, and the relationship between reason and emotion" (1). He aims to look not only at experimental data but at a broad overview of the scientific concept of the brain in order to answer the synesthesia question. His work is circumscribed by historical and philosophical frameworks as are mentioned above. Conceptualizing Neurological and Cultural Explanations of Synesthesia :: Biology Essays Research Papers Tangled Wires: Conceptualizing Neurological and Cultural Explanations of Synesthesia Synesthesia - a mixing or combination of senses - is a concept relatively familiar in the Western world. History is littered with descriptions of people tasting words and seeing sounds; the folklore of creative and expressive arts, in particular, filled with stories of famous "synesthetes." Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, German painter Wassily Kandinsky, American artist David Hockney, and Russian composer Alexander Scriabin have all been labeled as such, and books on the topic were published as early as 1890 . Though at that time interest in synesthesia was mainly from those involved in humanities disciplines, it was clear that synesthesia was an unusual form of perception, which opened the door for the phenomenon to be studied by neuroscientists. As these scientists gained the intellectual apparatus (more complex theories of the human nervous system, for example) to approach these issues of perception, synesthesia again became a topic of interest in the 1980's and '90's. Historica l reasons for this are perhaps due to the increased availability and interest in technology during the Cold War and Americans' resulting faith in expertise of science. Also, the discovery of LSD and trend of recreational hallucinogen use in the 1960's and '70's could have influenced this interest, as hallucinogens (particularly LSD) are known to induce synesthesia. Though this historical background may not seem important to a neurobiological paper, I wish to in part use this paper to show links between culture and scientific "objectivity." The controversy surrounding current theories of synesthesia is most certainly culturally informed, and scientists working in this area are as likely to cite philosophers as they are scientific research . This intellectual debate surrounding synesthesia, which is both philosophical and scientific, can also inform our class discussion of the notion that "brain equals behavior." Cytowic, who is one of the foremost writers on the topic of synesthesia posits a complex mÃ… ½lange of scientific and epistemological points to analyze the phenomenon. An explanation of his work is crucial to getting inside the synesthesia debate. Instead of viewing synesthesia as a neurobiological concern, Cytowic explains how multidisciplinary work will provide insight into "consciousness, the nature of reality, and the relationship between reason and emotion" (1). He aims to look not only at experimental data but at a broad overview of the scientific concept of the brain in order to answer the synesthesia question. His work is circumscribed by historical and philosophical frameworks as are mentioned above.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Electric Light Orchestra :: essays research papers

The Electric Light Orchestra   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The biggest compliment a band can get is to have another singer write a song about how much they like them, as Randy Newman did in 1979 about ELO with the release of â€Å"‘The Story of a Rock and Roll Band.† In the song he said, â€Å"I love their â€Å"Mr. Blue Sky† Almost my favorite is â€Å"Turn to Stone† And how ‘bout â€Å"Telephone Line†? I love that ELO’† (Wild 5)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The band created in 1971 by Jeff Lynne, Roy Wood, and Bev Bevan used cellos and violins to create a classical sound. Although Roy Wood left shortly after their first record was released. The idea came about when Jeff Lynne said to Roy Wood, â€Å"‘What if we had a band with strings- real strings?’† (Wild 9) They were in The Move at the time and decided to create a band on the side. They called this experimental band The Electric Light Orchestra. â€Å"Of the groups name Lynne remembers, ‘At the time people thought ‘ELO’ was pretty bad. It was like ‘The Electric Light what?’ The name was as wacky as the idea really.’† (Wild 9)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jeff Lynn was one of the most important members of the band. He was born on December 30, 1947 in Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Lynne was interested in music while he was still in school. When he was fifteen years his father got him a guitar. Though it was made of plastic and had only one string he practiced it all the time. (Petersdorff 3) Jeff was a big Beatles fan. â€Å"Lynne is asked if he now admits to being a Beatles fan. ‘I confess,’ Lynne says with a laugh. ‘I’m dead guilty of being a Beatles fan.’† (Wild 10)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another founding member of the band was Bev Bevan. He was born Beverly Bevan in Birmingham, U.K. on November 25, 1945. He formed his first professional band, called Denny Lain and the Diplomats, in 1963.He retired from music to become a furniture salesman, but then joined Carl Wayne and the Vikings. He then later joined The Move and helped create ELO. (Petersdorff 4)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third important member of ELO was Richard Tandy. Tandy was born on March 26, 1948 in Birmingham, U.K. At Moseley Grammar School he had been taught to play bass and guitar. Tandy’s first gig was at Solihull Civic Hall when he was fifteen. He was in many different bands before joining ELO.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leo XIII: Rerum Novarum

1. What did Leo say about the poor people? The present age has handed over the working poor to inhumane employers and greedy competitors. (a. 6) He saw the working poor as needy and helpless, (a. 66) And they are insufficiently protected against injustices and violence. (a. 32) 2. What did he want the working poor to understand? He wanted the working poor to understand that the lowest in society cannot be made equal with the highest and that poverty is no disgrace. (a. 37) To suffer and endure is human. (a. 27) The working poor are told not to injure the property or person of their employers and not to forcibly the property of others. (a. 55) 3. What was the moral component of Leo's message? The message to the working poor seems to be aimed at calming and consoling the poor, encouraging them to accept their position in society without rancor and without harm to others. Leo sought to enlist the aid of the working poor in preserving good order. 4. What did Leo say to those who work with the poor? Leo XIII declared that the working poor must be cared for. Employers have clear moral obligations: workers are not to be treated as slaves; the dignity of your workers' human personality must be respected; do not use people as things for gain; do not oppress the needy or the wretched for your own profit. The approach to employers is on a high moral plane, but it is also very practical: you need your poor worker, so work with him harmoniously. It is immoral to treat workers unjustly, and it is also not in the best interest of ownership and management. 5. What was the message to the employers? Leo warns the employers against the pitfalls of being wealthy; pointing out that wealth does not end sorrow and that it is a hindrance to eternal happiness. In view of eternity, what counts is not how much we have but how we use what we have, and we will have to account to God for our use of wealth 6. What did the Pope say to the wealthy? The wealthy are told that their goods are for their perfection and the benefit of others, and they are encouraged to share their goods when they see others in need: when the need is extreme, the demand is of justice: otherwise, the demand is of charity. 7. What was R.N's teachings of unions and strikes? The encyclical comes down strongly in favour of unions, stating that their increase is to be desired. (a. 69) The immediate object of unions is the private advantage of those associated, so that workers are to use their unions to secure increase in goods of body, soul and prosperity. (a. 71) The principal goal of unions is moral and religious perfection. (a. 77) The message about preserving good order is clear and unmistakable, but so is the message about standing up for rights. Leo XIII wanted the working poor to protect their interests, to make demands, to press their claims, and the principal means for doing this was the formation of unions. 8. What did Leo say about working conditions? Wages should never be less than enough to support a worker who is thrifty and upright. (a. 63) Work should not be so long that it dulls the spirit or that the body sinks from exhaustion. (a. 59) The factors in the establishment of hours are listed as: the nature of the work; the circumstances of time and place; the physical condition of the workers. (a. 59) 9. What was his stand on private ownership and property? Private ownership must be preserved inviolate. (a. 23) Must be regarded as sacred. (a. 65) It is wrong for ownership to be limited to a small number of people, and private property must be spread among the largest number of population. (a. 65) And a more equitable division of goods. (a. 66) 10. How did Leo see the role of government? The purpose of government is to cause public and individual well-being. (a. 48) The government must protect the community and it's constituent parts. (a. 52) Protect equitably each and every class of citizens. (a. 49) Give special consideration to the weak and poor. (a. 54) This special care should include the working poor. (a. 54) Improve the condition of workers. (a. 48) Safeguard the well-being and interests of workers. (a. 49) Protection of the goods of the worker's soul. (a. 57) The government's intervention in matters of wages, hours, and working conditions should be avoided. (a. 64) The government does not have the authority to forbid unions. (a. 72) It can oppose, dissolve and prevent unions when their objective is at variance with good morals, justice, or to it that there are no strikes. (a. 56) It should seek to remove the causes of strikes. (a. 56) Government must permit freedom of action to individuals and families. (a. 52) Government should give public aid to families in extreme difficulty. (a. 21) Â · Briefly summarise the popes intention and purpose for the Rerum Novarum. The Popes intention was his conviction that the present ages has handed over the working poor to inhumane employers and greedy competitors. He wanted to help the working poor by setting these rules. These rules help people to know their roles and obligations when dealing with work.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cultural Brief of Taiwan

INTRODUCTION POLITICAL, LEGAL, AND TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIROMENT HOFSTEDE’S DIMENSIONS Geert Hofstede is a Dutch researcher who identified five dimensions of culture to help understand how and why people from various cultures behave the way they do. The five Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity vs. femininity, and time orientation. Taiwan has a high power distance meaning that people blindly obey the orders of their superiors, and strict obedience is found. Taiwan ranked high in uncertainty avoidance meaning that the people do not like uncertainty and tend to have a high need for security and a strong belief in experts. In individualism Taiwan ranked as a low individualistic country meaning that people look after themselves and their immediate family members. In regards to masculinity Taiwan ranked as a high masculinity country meaning that they place great importance on earnings, recognition, advancement, and challenge. In this type of culture people are encourage to be decision makers, and have high performance levels. On the last dimension Taiwan ranked high in long term orientation meaning that they focus more on long range goals. TROMPENAAR’S DIMENSIONS Although Hofstede’s dimensions are the most recognize cultural dimension a more recent research is gaining attention. This research was made over a period on ten years by another Dutch researcher Fons Trompenaar. Trompenaar’s dimensions are Universalism vs. Particularism, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Neutral vs. Emotional, Specific vs. Diffuse, Achievement vs. Ascription, Sequential vs. Synchronous, and Internal vs. External. GLOBE DIMENSIONS The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) research project is another study to measure cultural difference. This research is an extensive analysis that integrates previous analysis. Countries were selected very carefully so that every major geographic in the world was represented. This project or research is considered one of the most sophisticated studies because it was made by a multicultural team of researchers that had and broad knowledge and experience in those fields. The GLOBE project can be use to foresee the most appropriate, effective, and suitable organizational and leader practices within a culture. The GLOBE is a more extensive research and includes more dimensions than Hofstede’s and Trompenaars’s research. The GLOBE project identified nine cultural dimensions Uncertainty avoidance, Power distance, Collectivism I, Collectivism II, Gender egalitarianism, Assertiveness, Future orientation, Performance orientation, and Humane orientation. CULTURAL NORMS, VALUES, AND BELIEFS Taiwan’s population is generally Han Chinese and is divided into three groups based on their language: Taiwanese, Hakka, and Mandarin. The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, but Min-nan dialect is also widely spoken. English is the most popular foreign language which makes it part of their regular school curriculum. Most people in Taiwan have traditional values based on Confucian ethics, but industrialization is making them change their values. Some traditional values such as piety towards parents, ancestor worship, and emphasis on education and work remain strong. Taiwanese values are based on Confucianism which describes the position of the individual in society. This system of behaviors and ethics put emphasis on the obligation of people towards one another based on their relationship, and stresses duty, loyalty, honor, respect for age and sincerity. There are five classifications of relationship: ruler and subject, husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and friend and friend. Taiwan’s culture is collective which means they are willing to suppress their own feelings for the good of the group. Taiwanese have a very important concept of the face called â€Å"Mien-Tzu†. They believe the face reflects a person’s reputation, dignity, and prestige. This concept is not only applied to individuals but also to businesses. â€Å"Guanxi† is another term related to the connections and types of relationships Taiwanese use to conduct business. Businesses are conducted among friends, friends of friends, family, and people of your own level or higher statues. This concept is believed to open doors, smooth problems, and open more connections. Taiwan’s religion is based on the â€Å"three teachings†; Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Each religion has its own temples, priest, and sacred texts, but most people practice a blend of the â€Å"three teachings† referred to as popular or folk religion. Family is very important in the Taiwanese culture and one thing that brings family together every day is food. Dinner is the most important meal of the day because it reinforces family relationships. The exchange of food means equality and people of higher ranks are never invited to dine at one’s home. Fish the favorite food, and food is mostly cooked in soups, stews, and deep fry. Taiwan is famous for its tea and it can be found in almost every corner of Taiwan. Tea is the most famous drink because it is considered stimulating, conducive to conversation, and beneficial to health. EXPECTATIONS REGARDING DRESS APPOINTMENTS Taiwanese are very punctual and they expect to be always on time for an appointment. They are very easy in scheduling appointments and the best way to set an appointment is by telephone or email. Most firms have business hours from 9AM to 5:30PM Monday to Friday, so contact them between those times if you want to be contacted in a timely manner. Punctuality is very important but they understand and respect when late, but if previous notice is given. Holidays are a very hard time to set appointments because they do not work specially during the holidays of Chinese New Year, Tuan-Wu (or Dragon Boat Festival) and Mid-Autumn holiday, therefore; it is very hard to get a hold of anyone during this time of the year. BUSINESS ENTERTAINING Taiwanese pay very close to business entertaining because they consider it essential in creating a successful business relationship. Business entertaining should never be considered a waste of time since Taiwanese pay very close attention and dedicate a lot of time to this activity. The most popular type of business entertaining is having dinner and drinking a great amount of alcohol until very late. During dinner make sure not to talk about business unless the host brings it up. This time should be use to learn more about Taiwan’s people, culture, and the host interest. Taiwanese are food lovers so expect about twenty dishes during dinner. The tradition is that the host serves the guest in their plates a little food, but they are free to take more food. It is recommended that you leave a little bit of food in your plate when done because leaving your plate empty signifies that you are still hungry. After the great meal tea is serve which signifies that the event is finished, and it is polite if you leave after finishing the tea even if the host invites you to stay. BUSINESS CARDS Taiwanese people are very friendly and courteous, and social relations are very important. They believe in creating strong relationships because their belief is that one cannot do anything alone without help from others. The use of business cards is used at the first meeting. Business cards are exchange and it is considered an easy way to overcome initial shyness and start forming a connection. The exchange of business cards also represents or demonstrates a person’s name and reputation. TITLES AND FORMS OF ADDRESS Title and status of authority are very important in Taiwanese culture. When meeting a person for the first time it is important that you address the person by their academic, professional, or honorific title and their surname. People pay very close attention to status of authority such as age, education, occupation, and gender. Age is one of the factors taken seriously because they expect to show the greatest respect. This is a problem whenever a younger expatriate comes to manage older people. It is difficult for them to accept the fact that a younger person manages them. Taiwanese traditionally have three names. The surname or last name, and two personal names. An interesting thing about their personal names is that their names usually have some significant meaning. Asking about the meaning of their names is a good way for breaking the ice. GREETINGS Greeting in Taiwan are also very important and they have a different types of greetings depending on the person being greeted when greeting someone in Taiwan the oldest person in the group is greeted first. Taiwanese use a handshake as the most common type of greeting with foreigners. In the Chinese culture they have a sign that represents respect, looking towards the ground. Taiwanese do not expect for foreigners to greet the same way because they know we have different greeting styles, so to be on the safe side a firm handshake and a warm smile is the best choice. GESTURES Everywhere in the world no matter what language you speak people or cultures always have gestures that have a significant meaning. In Taiwan there are four types of gestures: greeting gestures, touching gestures, beckoning gestures, and nonverbal gestures. We will start first with the greeting gestures, handshaking has become popular and its spreading rapidly, but a bow is the most traditional form of greeting. Hugging and kissing when greeting is very rare and uncommon. A special gesture for elders is to cover your left fist with your right hand, or put your hands together and bring them to your heart. Touching gestures are not very welcomed in Taiwan they are not a touch oriented society. Public signs of affection are rare, but it’s normal for same sex persons to hold hands in public. Beckoning gestures are done with an open hand facing downward and never use your index finger to point at someone. Never use your hand to beckon someone facing upward because that gesture is only used for animals. Avoid touching or moving objects with your feet, and never put your feet on top of furniture because feet are considered lowly and dirty. There are a lot of nonverbal gestures but this are a few of the most common. In respect to elders always open the door for them, give up your seat if no other sits are available, talk to them first when you enter a room, and take off your glasses when you talk to them. Posture should be straight, so do not slough. Having a loud and rude behavior in not acceptable when doing business but it is acceptable in restaurants. Being able to read gestures will help you understand people even if you do not speak the same language, so make sure you know the most important one in order to create the right impression and business relationship. GIFT GIVING Gift giving is one of the things you need to pay really close attention since a lot of gifts have a very significant meaning, and you might give the wrong impression. Taiwanese are food lovers and a good choice for a gift is a nice food basket or a good quality bottle of alcohol. Taiwanese culture has a sign of politeness by refusing a gift the first time offered and it is ok to offer the gift again, but not force it. Some of the things that should not be given as gifts are: Scissors, knives or cutting utensils because they represent to sever the relationship. Clock, handkerchiefs or straw sandals because they are associated with funerals and death. White flowers or chrysanthemums because they signify death. Never wrap gifts in white, blue, or black paper. Never wrap gifts in red, pink or yellow because they are considered auspicious colors. The number four is considered a bad luck number so never give anything in groups of four. On the other hand; the number eight is a lucky number so giving groups of eights is giving good luck to the recipient. Avoid giving anything made in Taiwan. Presents should be given using both hands, and gifts are not open when received. So make sure that when giving a gift you take in consideration the gift giving etiquette, so you can make a successful gift and the right impression. LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS (COMMUNICATION STYLES) It is very important that people who want to make business in Taiwan speak Mandarin Chinese, so negotiation is more fluent. It is important to speak the official language of Taiwan because the levels of English of multinational and major MNC’s based in the country are low. The use of translators is employ but it slows down a process that it’s already slow. INTERACTION STYLES NEGOTIATION ISSUES Taiwan is a collective society so they believe in having very strong business relationships before making a negotiation. They spend a great amount of time trying to know the company before considering any type of negotiation. When foreigners want to make negotiations in Taiwan they get frustrated because of the process being too slow. Managers have an authoritarian point of view and expect to be obeyed by their subordinates 100%. Their decisions are accepted without being question and in rare cases subordinates have something to say. They expect to be asked first before any actions are taken in their absence, therefore very little initiative in taken in the lower side of the chain. Any decisions taken when the manager is not there they are considered suspicious. VIEW OF WOMEN EXECUTIVES Taiwan is a male-dominated society and women play a small part in business. Women in the business field usually have the lowest levels in the organization even if they a high qualified. Equality is progressing very slowly and it may take years before equality is reached. Even though males are considered the decision makers foreign business women will be treated with great respect and courtesy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Health Care Structures and Divisions Essay

Complete the worksheet according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care. You must define the term in your words; do not simply copy the definition from a textbook. In the space provided after each term’s definition, provide a sentence that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, organization, or tool to which the term refers. In your explanation, you may wish to consider the following: How has it influenced health care? Why is it important to understand the appropriate application of the term or concept? Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft ® Word document with your name in the file name. Submit the file to your facilitator. Note. You must define 30 basic health care terms related to health care structures and divisions in this worksheet. Therefore, also in the terms already provided for you below, finish the additional spaces on the worksheet with terms from your reading or discussion you were not previously familiar with and had to research. Submitted by Porsche Piggie Term Definition in your words Use the term in a sentence as it applies to the health care industry. Hospital A hospital is a place where a person can go to get medical treatment and health diagnoses Hospitals and Healthcare facilities are a key factor that influence healthcare because this is where healthcare providers can utilize their skills to help individuals with their diseases, injuries or illnesses.  By providing a treatment solution. Ambulatory care facility Ambulatory Care is care where you don’t have to get hospitalized. It’s a facility where you mostly receive medical care or services on an outpatient basis. Ambulatory care can range from a simple routine to a complex procedure. Ambulatory care facilities have influenced healthcare because it is the most frequent contact people have with the healthcare system. It’s important to understand the concept of the term because ambulatory care is the most familiar type of health care people receive. Ambulatory care can be provided in an office of either an individual or group practice. Wellness Center Wellness Center is a place where individuals can get health services for the mind and body such as skin care services, nutrition consulting, personal training and fitness. Wellness centers are important because it tries to reduce toxic stress on the community. Wellness centers main goal has influenced the growth of health care by realizing reducing stress on the community that can help improve the society health level. Physician’s Office Is where a provider or a group of providers maintains an office. This is where ambulatory clients and outpatients are seen to diagnose and prescribe treatment for diseases that are not required admission or overnight stay. Physician’s office has a great impact on healthcare because it is one of the most frequently used healthcare settings. It’s important to understand that concept of the term because a physician’s office is only designed to provide diagnoses, treatment, and consultation. Some offices may have their labs and x-ray equipment for performing tests. However, serious ill patients that cannot quickly diagnose or treated will be sent to the hospital Hospice care facility Hospice care facilities is a health institution that provides care that concentrations in patients who are in their final stage of life because of a deadly illness. Hospice care focus on making their last days of life comfortable and pain-free. It’s important to understand the concept of Hospice care because it is not there to cure illnesses or lengthen life  expectancy. It is designed to provide support and comfort to the patient in their last days. Hospice concentrates on the management of pain; with that being said hospice has influenced health care by also realizing it’s important to focus on the patients comfort level when they are in the terminal stage of life. Long-term care facility Long – term care facilities are institutions that provides people of all ages that are unable to take care of themselves because of physical and impairments. It important to understand the concept of this term because it implies, this care is for extended periods, ranging from months to years to a lifetime. For instance, I work at an Auto TBI Long – Term Care facility where the residences have been there for years since their auto accident. The majority of the residences consider the facility to be there home and will spend all their days living in this facility. Home health care Home health care is taking care of an individual medically at their residence. Usually, there is a home health aide that comes to the house that provides the medical care for the patient. Home healthcare has influenced health care by improving the quality of care for the people who have no family members to take care of them. Therefore, with that being said, it’s very critical to understand the concept of this term because it is health care that can provide care to an individual outside of a healthcare facility inside their residence. Mental health facility Mental Health Facilities is health institution that provides mental treatment for individuals with mental illnesses and include ways to prevent medical disorders. Mental Health Facilities has impact healthcare by providing a health institution that specialize in mental health. Mental health facilities have helped aid the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Nonprofit facility A nonprofit facilities is institutions that don’t earn the profit for its owners. All the money that it earned or donated to use it for pursuing the facility’s objectives. Nonprofit facilities have influence health care by providing a way always to make sure the facility’s objectives and needs are  being handled. For the healthcare professionals to serve their patients with the best care. Public health Public Health is the concern for the society health. Public heath concentrations in the community as a whole, instead of the individual. Public health is important to healthcare because it focus on the prevention of widespread diseases, illnesses and try to prevent a lack of or poor quality of healthcare. CCRC Emergency room The emergency room is where you can take yourself or an individual who are in need of urgent care. This is also where you can take yourself or an individual who needs medical care after normal healthcare clinics or offices are close. It’s important to understand the concept of the term emergency room because this is where the community can receive urgent medical attention. Emergency rooms are very influential to healthcare because it developed the thought of having a 24-hour medical attention for the community. Physical therapy Physical therapy is the therapy that concentrates on helping improve an individual with physical injuries or disabilities. A rehabilitation program that help improves an individual’s physical independence. Physical Therapy has impact healthcare in many ways. Physical therapy is a treatment that can help improves someone’s physical state without the method of drugs or surgery. It’s important to understand the concept of physical therapy because it can consist of massage heat treatment, exercising, strengthen, and balance techniques. Radiology Radiology is the study of x-rays, sound waves and other forms of radiation and energy to create images and diagnoses. Radiology has impact healthcare by inventing a way to improve treatment by having the ability to view the bone imaging of the body. Pediatrics A pediatrics is a health care physician that specialize in children and their medical treatments. A pediatric has influence healthcare because  concentrates on the wellness of children. Surgical ward The Surgical Unit is where patients are taken care of after surgical procedures. It is very important to understand the concept of the term because the surgical unit only contains the post-operative surgical patients. Also, the term ward is outdated. It was used when hospitals had large rooms with multiple patients. Most hospitals now have semiprivate and private rooms only. The surgical â€Å"floor† or â€Å"unit† is the area of the hospital where the patients expect to have or have had surgical procedures Oncology Oncology is the study of cancer or the medical specialty that deals with cancer. Oncology has influenced health care because it has invented new ways to prevent, or maintain cancer. I am blessed to have oncology and their new studies because my grandmother have been breast cancer free for two years now Ultrasound Is a technique that typically used for medical imaging. An ultrasound can be sound or other vibrations having an ultrasonic frequency. Ultrasounds have influenced the healthcare by providing ways to monitor the growth of a baby while it’s in its developing stages Hematology Is the study of blood Understanding the concept of Hematology is important because it is how physicians learn to use blood to run tests and figure out diseases or disorders that can be found in the bloodstream. Hematology has influence healthcare by showing us when it’s something wrong with your blood; it can affect your overall health. Cardiology Cardiology is the study of the heart Cardiology has influence healthcare because it has shown that its more beneficial for a person to stay more active or fit because people like them are less likely to have coronary heart disease ICU ICU is the abbreviation for intensive care unit. The intensive care unit is a  particular department in the hospital or healthcare facility that provides extreme care. The intensive care unit has improved healthcare by providing the community with a unit that specialize in patients who need extreme care. Orthopedics Orthopedics is the knowledge and practice of producing straightness of the bones and muscles in children or adults. Orthopedics has influence healthcare by constantly finding ways to improve joint and muscle damage. It is shown that the majority of the households in America is affected in some fashion by diseases of the joints, skin, bones, and muscles. Neurology Neurology is the study of the nervous system or medical specialty that deals with the nervous system. Neurology has impact healthcare by studying the nervous system. As an individual with Cerebral Palsy neurology has made a big different in my life. Neurology has help people with nerve issues like Cerebral Palsy by providing with treatments that will help individuals live a better life. OB/GYN OB/GYN is the abbreviation of obstetrics and gynecology. OB is short for obstetrics or obstetrician, which is a physician who specialized in the female reproductive organs. Gynecology means the study of women. Gynecology has influenced health care because it focuses on disorders of the female organ. Gynecology focuses on prevention of the female reproductive organs illnesses and diseases. It’s very important to understand the full concept of the term OB/GYN because they also the physician who delivers babies ENT ENT is the abbreviation meaning for ears, nose and throat. It is also linked to the medicine field called otolaryngology. The ears are for hearing and the sensation of balance. The nose is use for the sense of smell. The pharynx (throat) and the larynx (voice box) is use for speech. Otolaryngology is important to the health care field because it provides us with the medical treatment for common colds and viruses that infects the ears, nose and throat. Gastroenterology The study of the stomach and intestines Gastroenterology influence healthcare by providing the public with informative information regarding the digestive system and the keys organs that plays a part of digesting food Pharmacology Pharmacology is the study of drugs and medicines. As a pharmacist, you are someone who specializes in medicines and drugs. Pharmacology has influence healthcare quality and improvement by inventing drugs and medicine that help in the prevention, maintain, or improvement for an illnesses, disease or injury. Proprietary Hospitals Are hospitals that are operated for the financial gain of the individuals, partnerships, or corporations that own them. Proprietary hospitals have made an impact in healthcare because more than 50% of the community hospitals are a part of a corporate system, and the mergers will continue in the twenty-first century. Nervous System Nervous System Is a system that includes the brain, neurons, cranial nerves, cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. The nervous system functions are to relay, receive, and interpret sensory information for the senses of balance, vision, body position, hearing, temperature, smell, touch, taste, and pain. It also coordinates body movement and stores and interpret emotion and memory It’s important to understand the concept of the term nervous system because this system is very valuable to the human body without the nervous system our bodies won’t have the senses and sensations we need in order to live Health Promotion Services Are services that help individuals decrease the risk of illness, follow healthy lifestyles and maintain optimal function. For example, hospitals that offer consumers prenatal nutrition. Health promotion services influence healthcare by providing the community with classes that explains the general health of women and children, health promotion services provide ways to help individuals decrease the risk of illness, follow healthy lifestyles and maintain optimal function. As you progress through your program, you are encouraged to continue to use  your weekly vocabulary exercises to build a master glossary as a quick reference guide to using in your coursework and your health care career.